Understanding Lab-Grown vs. Mined Diamonds
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Despite marketing efforts that may cast doubt on lab-created diamonds, the reality is that diamonds made in a lab and those formed in the Earth share identical optical, physical, and chemical properties. The only tangible difference is their place of origin, while other distinctions are tied to business practices, such as ethics and cost. Without specialized instruments, it is virtually impossible to distinguish between lab-grown and mined diamonds. Both types exhibit the same gorgeous luster, shine, and sparkle.
However, lab-created diamonds have an edge when it comes to colored diamonds. While naturally colored mined diamonds are rarer than white ones, laboratories can produce stunning colors that have never been seen before. You can explore our dazzling range of colored diamonds here.
The similarity in physical and chemical properties between lab-grown and mined diamonds is primarily due to their creation process, which involves the element carbon being subjected to high heat and pressure. This naturally occurring process happens beneath the Earth’s surface to create mined diamonds, and the same conditions are replicated in a laboratory to produce lab-created diamonds.
Given that both kinds of diamonds share the same physical and chemical properties, they also exhibit the same level of durability. If you want a more in-depth understanding of diamond durability, we have an entire blog dedicated to it.
The main differences between lab-grown and mined diamonds stem from their histories. The problematic history of mined diamonds dates back to the major pipeline discovery in Africa in the early 1900s. Questionable marketing tactics were used to inflate the value of mined diamonds and to promote them as the ultimate expression of love. More significant issues arose in the 1990s when rebel groups in Africa exploited citizens and funded wars against their governments through control of the mining industry. Known as conflict diamonds or blood diamonds, this led to the United Nations creating the Kimberley Process to address these issues.
In contrast, lab-grown diamonds are created in the safe environment of a laboratory, free from such ethical concerns. The only surefire way to ensure you're getting an ethical, conflict-free diamond is by choosing a lab-grown diamond.
The most significant differentiator between lab-grown and mined diamonds is cost. Lab-grown diamonds are far more cost-effective than their mined counterparts. Additionally, at New World Diamonds, our lab-grown diamonds are even less expensive than those of competitors because they are grown in-house in our private laboratory. We control the entire supply chain, from rough diamonds to cut and polished ready-to-wear diamonds, eliminating middlemen and additional markups found in traditional supply chains. This allows us to offer you higher-quality, more cost-effective diamonds.
In conclusion, the choice between lab-grown and mined diamonds seems clear to us. We hope this blog has answered any questions you might have about comparing these diamonds. If not, please reach out to us. We'd love to chat, answer your questions, and help you find the perfect diamond for your special moment!
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